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A spin-off of Robert Hofmann GmbH

iMEDgine GmbH is a spin-off of a company called Robert Hofmann GmbH. This company is one of the largest and most successful rapid-prototyping providers worldwide. Around 200 employees manufacture prototypes, tools, test and jig gauges, pilot production and serial production products for OEM customers in the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries and for their system suppliers.

The company has decades of experience and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities for the production of complex individual parts, components, and entire assemblies. By acting in a market- and customer-oriented manner and by promoting innovations, such as the early recognition of the potential of 3D printing, Robert Hofmann aims to secure its leadership in the growing international competition sustainably and in the long term.

scupelabs – The forge of innovation

When developing innovative medical technology products, iMEDgine benefits from the innovative strength and numerous collaboration opportunities of Robert Hofmann GmbH.

The scupelabs research and development laboratory offers ideal conditions for bringing products to market faster and more efficiently. Thus, iMEDgine is optimally positioned for the high speed of innovation in the global growth market of medical technology.

Scupelabs - Innovationen für die Medizintechnik

+49 9571 16982-0